Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Happy 2009! Thanks Rachel for creating this blog for us! I'll write more later, but we're off to Dunkin Donuts with the kids...


  1. Hooray! You have a family blog! How exciting!!! =) I added a link to ours on the side as well as a link to my sister's page. I know you have never met my sister, but I think you guys would get along well and her page can be entertaining! =) Ha. So go make friends!!! =P

  2. What a great idea. We all get so busy with our everyday lives we miss out on alot of what's happening within our immediate family.
    Thank you so much for sharing with me.
    Aunt Debbie

  3. Now you know how I felt, watching you and Randy, years ago. You should enjoy and cherish
    all the days with them and all your family and friends.

